Hey guys.
I know I've been awfully quiet for the last couple weeks, and I apologize for that. The last month or so has been incredibly stressful for me, and pretty much anything that wasn't mandatory (church, work, occasional eating) has fallen by the wayside. I hope to change all that soon. In fact, I'm working on an outline for a post I hope to have up later this week. For now, I just ask your patience with me as I'm getting my priorities moved around so that I can return to writing. Until then, God bless.
A Single Step
Thoughts on the journey.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Whiners and Losers
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President Bush and me. |
Well, first off, watch your spelling. It should be "you're enjoying," not "your enjoying." And I'll have you know I've won a game or two of Scrabble. So there.
But about the writing. I haven't actually broken that resolution yet! I did write a blog post last week and a long one at that. Nearly 7 pages, if you can believe it. I was just about to post it, but then I decided to sleep for a night. When I read it in the morning, I immediately deleted it. Why?
All seven pages of that blog post were some of the angriest, and subsequently whiniest, things I had ever read. I had decided to write about politics, which should have been a warning sign in the first place. It started out OK, with a brief summary of recent events, the debates and whatnot. Throw in a snarky comment here and there for flavor. Honestly, it was decent. But then, it turned. Instead of just offering well thought out opinions or criticisms, I took to just complaining. "Obama hasn't fixed things!" "There's no decent candidates!" "I don't want to vote for Newt Gingrich!" "Mormons are weird!" "I want ice cream!" "Coldplay's new album sucks!" "I'm single, and it's YOUR fault!" As you can see, I went into meltdown mode pretty quick. I lost the focus on politics (not that I think it would have helped to keep it), and just started scatter shot whining.
That's not what I want this blog to be. There's enough self-interested, whine-blogs out there (Insert outdated emo joke here). So I deleted everything and took a couple days off from writing to calm down.
Now, I'm not saying that I'll never discuss politics again. I will. I'm also not saying I won't complain on this blog. However, I want it to be constructive. If all I'm doing in pissing in the wind about Mitt Romney's tax returns, then it's not doing anyone any good. Instead, I hope to offer something positive as well. Maybe discuss what WOULD make for a decent presidential candidate (Jon Huntsman, come back!). Or offer insight into my own personal political and spiritual growth. But I promise, the one thing this blog won't do is become a bitching outlet. And if you don't like that, well, there's always LiveJournal.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Frustrations and Futures: My New Year's Resolutions
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Keep doing what you do, little buddy. |
2011 was kinda of a downer year for me. I feel like I didn't accomplish anything, even though I think I actually did. I preached my first sermon, I broke my old record for holding a job, I traveled to Portland, Oregon, with a good friend, and I grew and matured in ways I never thought I would. I started (and ended) a regular radio program, I made new friends, and moved on from others. Really it's been a busy and productive year. But still...
The problem is I tend to focus on what I didn't do. I didn't lose weight or get in better shape. I didn't graduate from college. I didn't have a serious relationship. I didn't blog, or really write much of anything. I look at these things, and it makes me feel...useless, unmotivated, unaccomplished. Which is why I decided to make resolutions this year.
Normally, I'm against the whole idea of New Year's resolutions. They're often rash decisions, made in the heat of the moment, with vague outcomes that are forgotten by 6 pm on January 1st. Lord knows I've done that many times before ("That's it! No more soda or fast food. After I have a Number 3 with a large Dr. Pepper"). That, or I decide, like my good buddy Calvin up there, that there's no need to change anything, I'm fine the way I am, now give me a second while I catch my breath. Tying my shoes is tough business, you know. This year, however, I realize that arrogance and lack of motivation simply aren't going to be excuses to not make any changes.
So without further ado, here are my resolutions for 2012. After all, if this is to be the last year of the universe, might as well make it a good one.
1. Write - I went an entire year with very little output in the realm of the written word. That ends now. I'm going to attempt to put out a blog post every week for the rest of the year. Even if I don't quite hit this goal, I hope to come close. My minimum will be 40 posts this year. That give me 12 off weeks if I so choose. And what will I write about? I don't know. Stick around and see what shows up.
2. Get in shape - Yes, this is a cliché, but it's one I actually need to do. I hit 30 years in May, and I kinda want to double that before I keel over. So, 5 pounds every month. Limit fast food, and quit soda, join a gym, and utilize it at least three times a week.
3. Get a new job - Don't get me wrong, I actually love my job, but it doesn't love me back. To be specific, working nights doesn't love me back. I've gotten to the point where sleep is a rarity on days I work, as I can't seem to turn off while the sun's up. Of course, this affects my output at work, and turns me into the undead when I'm not on the clock. So, I'm applying and sending out feelers looking for something new.
4. Clean my room - You laugh, but seriously, it needs to be done. Might as well add it to the list.
5. Prioritize - Fact is, I'm doing way too much right now. Which is odd, considering I'm not really doing too many things, but all are big things that take up a lot of time. Sacrifices are going to have to be made. I haven't quite figured out what those are yet, but stay tuned, I'm sure I'll talk about them.
6. Beat my brother at Scrabble/Troy at chess - It's only a matter of time, fellas.
So that's it. Here's to 2012. See you on the other side.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Let's Try This Again. Again.....again
Well, here goes. Hopefully this time I'll keep it up for more than a single posting.
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